
Friday, 9 September 2011

Citrix XenApp6 Discovery Fails “Errors occurred when using CTXS-XA1 in the discovery process” An Unexpected Error Occurred


This error may appear when you try to run the discovery process using the Xenapp6 evaluation VHD. I was using the VHD on Hyper-V and decided to change over to VMWare VSphere. I managed to convert the virtual machine to be used on VMWare (using the Standalone Converter That worked fine but the problems started when trying to use XenApp 6 on a VM hosted on Vsphere. I tried using the local Administrator account (the one used to create the original image) but could not run the discovery process using Citrix Delivery Services Console. I then tried this:

  1. Logon as the local Administrator
  2. Try to run the discovery process
  3. If it fails (as it did for me) open a command console
  4. Change directory to the following path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Citrix\Independent Management Architecture
  5. Type the following command: dsmaint config /user:administrator /pwd:Evaluation1 /dsn:"c:\Program Files (x86)\Citrix\Independent Management Architecture\mf20.dsn"
  6. For the password use your local administrator account password
  7. You will see the following output:

    Attempting to connect to the data store with new configuration settings.
    Successfully connected to the data store.
    Configuration successfully changed.
    Please restart the IMA Service for changes to take effect.

  8. Open Services in Admin Tools and stop the Citrix Independent Management Architecture
  9. Using the same command console type the following command: dsmaint recreatelhc
  10. Now restart the Citrix Independent Management Architecture service
  11. Try the discovery process again and it should work!


  1. Right on the money. Got the exact same config and worked like a charm.

  2. Top stuff. Helped me also but running the VM from XenServer.

  3. Thanks Mate, love a quick fix!

  4. Perfect! Thanks very much. I was in the same situation (VHD to VMDK). I wish Citirix would just give us a VMware compatible version.

  5. Thanks! Was running the .vhd on Hyper-V when I came across this problem. The information on this page fixed it for me.

    Thank you for sharing.

  6. When I type C:\Program Files (x86)\Citrix\Independent Management Architecture into command prompt and I get the error 'c:\Program' is not recognised as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. Please help.

  7. I figured it out. I don't think I am having thwe same problem. I am having this error due to a password change. I don't want to change the password.

  8. Saved me all those sleepless nights. Thanks. Now to get that Citrix Certification ;)

  9. Thanks for the help, our domain auto renames local admininistrator accounts and this pointed me in the right direction!
