
Saturday, 29 September 2012

Add VMware to your PowerShell (and Exchange if you want..)


  1. Download the necessary PowerCLI software (vSphere PowerCLI: Windows PowerShell interface for managing vSphere):
  2. Install
  3. Write the following script, save as a PS1 file and place it in %windir%\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\ Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1

(Get-Host).ui.rawUI.Foregroundcolor = "green"
(Get-Host).ui.rawUI.Backgroundcolor = "black"
(Get-Host).ui.rawUI.WindowTitle = "The Power of the Shell"
Add-PsSnapin Microsoft.Exchange.Management.PowerShell.Admin -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Add-PSSnapin VMware.VimAutomation.Core


To test it type cls then get-snapin and you should see the VMware snapin preloaded.

Install PowerShell v3 on Windows 7

Just a quickie:

  1. You will need .NET Framework 4.0. That’s the full thing not just the ‘client profile’ that you might see in add-remove programs. To get this :
  2. On your Windows 7 box make sure you got SP1:
  3. You can download the PowerShell v3 (Windows Management Framework 3.0) here:

Installing and Configuring the new vSphere 5 Web Client server


Been a while since my last post (about a year!), but that’s what happens when you venture off into the hills of Exchange…

Anyway, I thought I’d put this one up as I reminder to myself as much as anything else. The web client is kind-of-cool:

  1. On the VCenter on Windows system, mount the .iso for VCenter 5 (perhaps after installing VMware tools).
  2. You should get an auto run menu that looks like the following: image
  3. Select the VMware VSphere Web Client Server and install it. Its pretty quick.
  4. Open up a browser on the VCenter on Windows server and point to https://localhost:9443/admin-app
  5. Once open you now need to register or authorize the VCenter server. You should see the VSphere Web Client Administration tool. Please ensure that Adobe Flash is pre-installed!image
  6. Select Register VCenter Server and supply the VCenter server name or IP, a user name and password. Then simply select register.
  7. Click ignore on any certificate warnings
  8. You should see your server listed as registered!
  9. Jump onto a client machine (Windows 7 etc.) and open a browser.
  10. Type the following to connect to the VSphere Web Server: https://VSphere-DNS-Name:9443/vsphere-client. Login with your AD credentials and have fun!