On my travels I picked up this useful method of remoting into another machines powershell. Windows 7 and Server 2008 R2 have WinRm packed inside so you dont need to download anything. If your not sure you can try typing the following:
[PS] Get-Service winrm
On the server you want to remote into (lets call it the target), type the following:
[PS] Enable-PSRemoting
This command will start the WinRM service and sets the startup type to Automatic. It will also enables a firewall exception for WS-Management communications and create a listener to accept requests on any IP address.
The next step involves establishing which machines can connect to the target (that is your client). On the target type the following:
[PS] cd wsman:
(note the colon:)
You should see a table displayed indicating that the TrustedHosts has a no value. This has to be changed so that your client can connect. To do this type the following but note you MUST be in the WSMan namespace as shown above!
You should then restart the WinRm service
You could have performed the action by typing one single cmdlet:
[PS] Set-Item WSMan:\localhost\Client\TrustedHosts *
Now that your target is configured, you need to configure the client. Type the following:
[PS] New-PSSession -computername "FQDN of the Target"
You should now see a table displayed referencing your session with an ID number. To display the session created at any time type the following:
To enter the session type the following:
You should now be in the remote powershell! To end the session type the following:
and to remove the seesion entirely type the following:
[PS] Remove-PSsession
[PS] Get-Service winrm
On the server you want to remote into (lets call it the target), type the following:
[PS] Enable-PSRemoting
This command will start the WinRM service and sets the startup type to Automatic. It will also enables a firewall exception for WS-Management communications and create a listener to accept requests on any IP address.
The next step involves establishing which machines can connect to the target (that is your client). On the target type the following:
[PS] cd wsman:
(note the colon:)
[PS] cd localhost\client
[PS] dir
You should see a table displayed indicating that the TrustedHosts has a no value. This has to be changed so that your client can connect. To do this type the following but note you MUST be in the WSMan namespace as shown above!
[PS] Set-Item TrustedHosts *
You should then restart the WinRm service
[PS] Restart-Service winrm
You could have performed the action by typing one single cmdlet:
[PS] Set-Item WSMan:\localhost\Client\TrustedHosts *
Now that your target is configured, you need to configure the client. Type the following:
[PS] New-PSSession -computername "FQDN of the Target"
You should now see a table displayed referencing your session with an ID number. To display the session created at any time type the following:
[PS] Get-PSsession
To enter the session type the following:
[PS] Enter-PSsession -id (the numerical value of the session e.g. 1)
You should now be in the remote powershell! To end the session type the following:
[PS] Exit-PSsession
and to remove the seesion entirely type the following:
[PS] Remove-PSsession